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Prior to 2024, over the past decade I worked for a government agency well over 40 hours per week.  I gave them everything I had to give with two primary focus points.  One was to reduce harm for those served by the agency and those serving the agency, as well as support them in recovering from the harm and trauma caused by and within the work of the agency and beyond.  I knew it was too lofty to truly change the system of Child Protective Services at the level where I worked.  So I leveraged my position to bring the greatest amount of impact I could with care, love, and standing for the truth.  

During this time, I also dedicated myself to create fierce compassionate opportunities for folks to see more of the truth of how the United States built it’s foundations on inequity and inhumanity, how that continues to show up today in disguise, and how to unlearn behaviors that perpetuate inequities.  In the 1-2 breaks each year I took work, I then went into ceremony to cleanse my being and reconnect more deeply to all that matters most to me: Earth, Nature, and the human spirit.  This sums up how I primarily spent my time throughout 2013-2023.

After that decade of my life, I moved to the holler on a farm in a very small town called Triplett in NC, about 15 minutes outside of Boone, NC.  My lifestyle on the farm is vastly different than my previous lifestyle.  In my previous life in Asheville, I spent a lot of time talking about what is needed to create the world I wanted to see, and less time actually doing those things.  I talked about the need to live in community, grow our own food, hunt and fish for the meat we eat or raise the animals and slaughter them ourselves if we are going to eat their bodies.  I talked about the need to live in alignment with nature and the cycles of the moon and seasons. I talked about the need to be in Circle and ceremony together connecting, healing, caring, and celebrating life together.  All of this was at the root of what I knew was needed and what I most wanted for myself.  

When I moved to Triplett, I suddenly was thrust into the life I had been talking about all those years.  Everything was new to me, and there was/is so much to learn!  It is a completely different way of life.  

In year one living at Full Moon Farm, I focused on landing.  What I mean by landing, is literally connecting with the land, the seasons, the weather patterns, the growing patterns, the animals of this land, and the people of this land (past and present).  I focused on building new and enduring relationships with everyone around me.  I focused on learning how to live with the land and all that encompasses.  I will continue to learn this for many years to come, as this is a never ending process.  

My commitment was to detox the toxic patterns I internalized from patriarchal capitalistic society, and ensure I did not bring those old patterns into this new way of life.  As a result, it has been very difficult to build up a successful business and practice while committing to not doing it in the old toxic ways that kept me sick and unwell.  

As a result of this new way of life and focus on health and wellbeing, I was able to get pregnant for the first time in my life at 46 years of age this past October, soon after Hurricane Helene hit.  I miscarried, and remain hopeful that I am still able to get pregnant and have a healthy beautiful baby.  

As a result of this way of life, I am able to focus on those I love most.  I’ve been able to nurture and deepen this beautiful life love partnership I’m in, and together we show up for family and friends more consistently.  My primary values have always been quality relationships (family and friends), community, and building a future based on love, care, growth, and wellness. I am truly living that life now in action, not just ideals.  

It is also important to me to contribute to the world in meaningful ways that reflect my values.  This is why Sacred Pathways exists.  Sacred Pathways Healing & Wellness is my way of bringing opportunities of healing, growth, and connection to support people in living the life they desire and ability to contribute to our world with love, care and healthy wellbeing.  Sacred Pathway's existence is built on the foundation of me walking my talk and living the precise values in practice that I've been talking about all these years.

February 29th of 2024 was the official birthday of Sacred Pathways Healing & Wellness.  I began to build individual clientele providing virtual sessions from my partner's studio on the farm while we remodeled a camper we bought to turn it into my office and sanctuary for my sacred work.  By summer, I moved into my office space in the camper where I offer virtual sessions.  By September, my business began to build momentum with clientele growing as I primarily offered therapy and coaching sessions.  

Then Hurricane Helene hit on September 27th, 2024 and changed everything in WNC.  Initially we focused on stabilizing our local community in phase 1 of recovery, ensuring everyone had access to basic needs and could get out in case of an emergency.  Then Sacred Pathways activated to go on the road to Swannanoa and Asheville area to provide acute trauma and grief support.  All Helene Recovery support services Sacred Pathways were free.  Post Helene, Sacred Pathways brought in zero income for the remainder of 2024. 

Now, in 2025, we are living in a new world, with a new administration, where natural disasters are becoming more common and are referred to as the “new norm”.  Many are in a state of shock and aren’t sure how to be present to all that’s happening and still hold hope and move forward with love.  Most are navigating life with trauma.  Many are just starting to wake up to recognize we each have shadow’s to learn to love as well as our cultural collective shadows.  We cannot deny these aspects of ourselves and our societies.  We are being called to acknowledge all aspects of ourselves, our society, take responsibility for the world we create, and seek to change all aspects of ourselves that don’t align with our values and the world we want to live in.  

This is essential work and work that cannot be done alone.  We need trustworthy companionship.  We need a trustworthy guide into the crevices of what has been suppressed in the subconscious.  A guide that allows you to be in charge of your safety, your own expert, and support you in going as deep as you are ready to go and return to safe terrains with new awarenesses with compassion and understanding. This is life changing work.  The exact type of work we need in these times. 

This is the work I offer through Sacred Pathways Healing & Wellness.  I invite you to join me on this path.  I am committed to consistently doing my own shadow work, bringing the tools of healing and growth that have become my own devotion to you through many years of study and practice.   I now offer virtual sessions (therapy, coaching, and consulting) as well as in-person therapy and coaching in my new office in Boone, NC.  I will be offering eco-therapy for groups and individuals through Full Moon Farm Collective throughout 2025 and we have a Shadow Work Weekend scheduled for April 11-13th in Marshall, NC at Sacred Mountain Waters. Stay tuned for more programs and offerings to come throughout the year.

Join me in taking the reins to create the world you want to live in, the world you want for future generations.  Join me in healing, growth, and wellness on a path toward collective liberation and wellbeing rooted in love.

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