Holistic Wellness & Liberation
I believe all the answers you seek and everything you need is already inside you. The culture we live in creates blocks in accessing the wise one within. Navigating the pain and trauma we experience through life changes us and can cause patterns of behavior that get in the way of living the life we desire and are here for. It can cause symptoms such as anxiety, depression, and a variety of trauma responses.
There is nothing wrong with YOU. There are many things wrong with the society we live in. I am here to support you in recovery and healing from harm you experienced and shaming messages you internalized; connect with the wise one within, and create the conditions needed to sustain living the life you desire.
We will engage in a transformative process by facing your shadows (hidden and/or unloved aspects of yourself or aspects of others you have taken on unintentionally) and regaining your full power to be your best self. You will receive guidance and support to improve your physical, mental, emotional, relational, and spiritual wellbeing.

Reclaiming Your Whole Authentic Self
Shadow are aspects of yourself you put away, usually as a small child, maybe to ensure you would be accepted and cared for by the ones you were dependent upon for your survival or maybe because someone hurt you and you vowed to never be like them. There are multiple reasons and ways aspects of ourselves go into shadow. We lose access to the healthy "golden" energy that shadow holds when we repress it and put it away. Usually this process happens in an unconscious manner and later in life begins to impact us in a negative manner.
Shadow Healing Sessions are designed to help you first bring awareness of your shadows, and then rewire your brain/subconscious so those shadows no longer control you and/or leak out on accident. This is powerful work that brings true transformation that is long lasting in the ways you are seeking.

Shifting paradigms from power-over to power-with
Kristin brings a balance of support and accountability with compassionate truthtelling to guide White identifying people in unlearning destructive superiority/inferiority patterns engrained in us by the society we live, and shift to practice behaviors aligned with collective liberation.
Consultations are for:
White and light skinned individuals seeking personal growth and guidance to embody liberation.
White and light skinned individuals seeking to repair harm in relationships, community, and/or in a work setting.
White and light skinned individuals within organizations and companies seeking guidance on how to change their own perceptions and behaviors to better contribute to change within the agency.
White and light skinned individuals seeking guidance on how to create systems change within your community, organization or business.
Learn how to navigate power dynamics in a healthy manner which honors you and the relationships and collective you are engaging.